Therapeutic Massage

The Sweet Hour

Welcome, To My Healing Space

I opened my office in October 2009. I love my work, and am really lucky to do a job that excites me more than anything.

My Mission

To make the world a better place helping people live a more pain free and relaxed life.

I love Helping Others. The most rewarding part of being a massage therapist is helping those in pain, recovering from injury, or suffering from stress.

My long term vision is to help bring more awareness around the benefits of theraputic massage for kids and adults with ASD and other disablities. Massage in Motion will bring theraputic massage to those in need via a Moblie Van.


France Poulin

I am a registered massage therapist with the Quebec Federation of Massage Therapists.

I opened my office in October 2009. I have been blessed to do this amazing, deep and powerful work. I am passionate aboaut helping people heal their body and mind, because massage helped me heal. For thirty years, I worked in customer service in various fields and, by chance in 2005, I discovered massage therapy after a massage therapist helped me heal chronic back pain!